Tag - diatoms

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Good things come in small packages

And few eukaryotic things are smaller than diatoms, unicellular algae that are common, numerous and taxonomically extremely diverse, particularly in the oceans. Small? Yes, typically 20 – 200 µm in diameter. Good? Yes;...

Image: Wikimedia Commons.

Vital amines

Notwithstanding plants’ rightly applauded self-sufficiency, and remarkable life-sustaining synthetic abilities using basic inorganic ingredients, some plant-like organisms need a little extra help in the form of organic...

Image: Hannes Grobe, Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany/Wikimedia Commons.

That sinking feeling…

Whilst forests – aided and abetted by cryptogams (see my previous post) – have a major role as biotic carbon sinks on land, in the oceans that role is largely down to the activity of cryptogamous phytoplankton, which...