Ethiopian cereal and chilli mills: making flour in the market from corn, tef, wheat and chilli
Home » Ethiopian cereal and chilli mills: making flour in the market from corn, tef, wheat and chilli

Ethiopian cereal and chilli mills: making flour in the market from corn, tef, wheat and chilli

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Flour milling in the west happens out of view! Here we can see three different grains being milled in two larger stone-mills, each with two pairs of electrically driven stones, and some grinding machines (probably cone pulverizers) are used for smaller quantities of less fine flour and also chillies. We see the traditional Ethiopian grain tef (Teff, Eragrostis tef, with tiny grains 1mm x 0.7 mm), wheat and white maize coming to the mills in 50kg sacks, and then the women sieve and winnow it in the air. It is then put into the grinder. For chilies in the final third of the video, women were buying them in the 5kg quantities in the market and thanking them to be ground at the mill – a quick search suggests that an Indian machine from was being used! The chillies were mostly very hot and the dust caught your throat. There didn’t seem to be much protection from explosion in the flour mills.


Unlike the video of the Indian flour mills I posted earlier, , there was no sieving process to separate flour and bran. These mills are in Axum (Aksum), Ethiopia.

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Editor Pat Heslop-Harrison

Pat Heslop-Harrison is Professor of Molecular Cytogenetics and Cell Biology at the University of Leicester. He is also Chief Editor of Annals of Botany.

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